Darker Then Black RPG
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Hei Empty Hei

Post  Hei Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:14 pm

Contractor Template

General Info

Appearence:Hei Heicosplay <----- with mask
Hei Hei <----- without mask
Personality: Hei has two identities both very different from each other. One is when he's Li Shengshun: a good natured Chinese exchange student who has a timid nature and who tries to help out others, and generally keeps to himself. The second is when he's The Black Reaper. Here he becomes a ruthless, calculating individual who has no qualms with killing when needed. Although a mannerism that Hei has in both forms is his huge appetite, Hei is generally seen to eat huge quantities of food. This generally surprises anyone he meets. Hei's mannerisms and behaviour are strange for the likes of a Contractor, whose mentality shouldn't be affected by normal feelings of compassion or sorrow. Hei acts upon these emotions regardless, because he still has his human emotions. Hei is sometimes torn between whether he is a human or a contractor, seeing he has the emotions and feelings of a human, yet has the abilities of a contractor. Hei sometimes passes through a major change in personality.He has taken up drinking and and acts much more ruthless and is quick to anger. He was rarely seen to get angry or display any genuine emotion.
History:Before i got my powers i was a regular boy just finishing my studys living the life of a regular adolecent

Contractor Info

Alias: Hei or the masked demon
Ability:Molecular Manipulation-A powerful technique, which allows the user to manipulate electricity on various scales, even to the molecular level. The technique can work with all possible ranges. As long as an object is a conductor of electricity, the technique can be passed through it, making indirect attacks possible.

Price to pay:payed
Rank:Reaper Contractor
Bio:After i got my powers i continued my life until i was found by the police who wanted to kill me and from their i use my powers for my own agenda so now i'm a assasin killing any that get in my way.

Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-06-10
Age : 27

Character sheet
Hei Left_bar_bleue1000/1000Hei Empty_bar_bleue  (1000/1000)
Hei Left_bar_bleue750/750Hei Empty_bar_bleue  (750/750)


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